On a special one-off bonus episode of Midwest Super Pixel Pros, we welcome on John from the Super the Hardest podcast! Every March, we celebrate 'Shmuppreciation' where we play a variety of shoot-em-up (SHMUP) games, and on this episode we primarily discuss the recently reissued HD remaster of the Arcade/Dreamcast shmup, Under Defeat HD. We also touch on upcoming 2025 shmups, and recommend options for people looking to get into the genre! Find episodes of Super the Hardest on www.mojomenace.com or search 'Mojo Menace Super the Hardest' on podcast apps!
If you're looking for more info about Under Defeat HD, check out the deep breakdown of it we referenced on the show - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA0yfmayUnw - And to learn more about shmups past and present, check out the videos by https://www.youtube.com/@ShmupJunkie
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source Studios. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com - To access past Midwest Super Pixel Pros episodes visit https://midwestsuperpixelpros.podbean.com/
#underdefeat #shmuppreciation #grev #borderdown #underdefeathd #shmup #STG #raystorm